Make Money While You Learn From Me!!!


Learn The Internal System That Built Our Success By Working With Us To Build Your Own Success!!!!


REI Apprenticeship Program

This will be a paid group apprenticeship program that will require a commitment of 90 days.

This will be a program model based on the traditional apprenticeship system.

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you do everything we tell you to do in 90 days and you don't close one deal. We will give you all your money back. Every last dollar!

How can we give such a bold guarantee? Because this actually works as long as you're willing to work the system that's in place. It does not matter your age, your income, your gender or your geographic location. As long as you have access to a phone, a computer and the internet. You can close deals virtually with our tools.

Why Is There A

50/50 Split?

If you're new to closing your first wholesale deal. You may need help talking to sellers, doing the deal analysis, building strong buyer relations, putting together creative solutions, creative financing structuring deals, speaking to title companies and so much more. We offer assistance to help you in these situation so that you can learn by actually seeing us do it with you. In many cases this means that we will hop on the phone with you when it's time to speak with a seller, buyer and title attorney to help you bring the deal home. This gives you more confidence to eventually do it on your own. To ensure that we have a vested interest to your success we agree to split the deal revenue with you 50/50.

50% to you and your efforts, 50% to the company.

How Much Is The Average Wholesale Deal?


Every deal and property is different. So there is no guarantee that each deal will be the same. When it comes to wholesaling real estate, you're paid based on your ability to negotiate with the seller and buyer. You make your money in a spread or margin in between.

What is an Apprentice???

A person who agrees to work for a specified time in order to learn a trade, craft, or profession in which the employer, traditionally called the master, assents to instruct him or her.

How Long Does It Take to Close A Deal?

On average it takes someone who is new 30 - 45 days before they get their first closed deal

The more consistent effort you put in, the greater your momentum.

You must put in the time and effort. This requires you to listen and implement.

How Much Time Will I Have To Commit?

You can be successful with a minimum of 8 Hours per week. The more effort you invest the greater your potential

Will There Be Training?

Yes, think of this as on-the-job training where you are working remotely for a company as a contractor to learn a skill that you can later use as your own

Will There Be Tools Provided?


What’s Included During Apprenticeship Program?

During the program the following resources/tools will be provided to you at no cost:

  • ● On-going Training (3 - 9 Months)

  • ● Phone Scripts (Sellers)

  • ● Phone Scripts (Buyers)

  • ● Bandit Signs

  • ● Bandit Sign Models and Descriptions

  • ● Weekly Team Meetings

  • ● Weekly Coaching

  • ● Company Phone Line

  • ● Company Phone Number

  • ● Marketing Phone Number(s)

  • ● Marketing Websites

  • ● Access and Login to PropStream

  • ● Access to Buyer & Investor List

  • ● Residential Real Estate Agreements and Contracts

  • ● Commercial Real Estate Agreements and Contracts

  • ● Access to company Phone System

  • ● Weekly physical meetings at downtown location or at subject investment property

  • ● Inspection Sheets

  • ● Access to Real Estate Lender List

  • ● Secret Proven Method to Finding Private Money and Investors For Your Deals

  • ● Access Marketing Letters and Promotion Materials

Can I Do This Part-Time?


Can I Do This Remotely?


You can wholesale real estate from anywhere in the world as long as you have access to a computer with strong internet. You can be on a cruise ship with your family out of the country. As long as you have access to the internet you can communicate with your buyer, seller and title company all via email. And when it's time to get paid you can have your money wired directly to your bank account.

What Is The Required Equipment That I Need?

  • ● Operating Cell Phone and Phone Network

  • ● Fully functional computer with internet access ○ Example: Chromebook (Walmart)

  • ● Headphones or bluetooth that has the ability to connect to cell phone and/or computer ○ Example: Logitech Headset (Amazon)

How Much Will This Pay?


As an apprentice you will be compensated for each lead that you turn into a deal as a form of

commission. The compensation will be split as a Joint Venture (JV) percentage of 50% of the

Net Profit for each deal completed. You will receive an IRS - 1099 form as an independent

contractor at the end of the year. In order to begin to receive your payments you will need to complete the IRS - W9 form.

What is a W9 form?

What is a 1099 form?

Additional Payment Options Below

How Often Will I Be Paid?


Payment will occur no later than 48 hours after the completion of the transaction.

Payment will be issued in the form selected below via Apprentice:

● Check

● Wire

● PayPal

Are There Any Guarantees?

NO!!! There will be no guarantees of the successful completion or results of the apprentice. Results

are primarily determined by the amount of effort and proper execution of the apprentice. This

apprenticeship requires the apprentice to actively participate, learn and apply what she or he is

being taught and exposed to.

Homeless New Yorker Closed First Deal Virtual Wholesaling

Full Time Teacher, Father and Coach Bought First Rental With No Money Down Real Estate

No Matter Your Nationality

No Matter Your Belief

No Matter Your Record

No Matter If You're a Single Mom

No Matter If You're Retired

No Matter Career

No Matter Credit Score

No Matter What Language You Speak

No Matter Your Age

No Matter Your Background

No Matter Your Age or Health Background

No Matter Your Citizenship

No Matter Experience Level

What Are My Responsibilities As An Apprentice?

● Treat the apprenticeship program like your own business. Because if operated correctly you will be able to apply the same methods, techniques and business practices to your own business, personal life and portfolio.

● To complete assigned tasks.

● Meet and/or exceed KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)

● Maintain open communication with Team and Coach

● Be fiscally responsible of delegated resources

● Agrees to promote the brand and success of the apprenticeship program upon completion.

● Complete the 90 Days requirement of the apprenticeship program

● Never to steal the accessed documents and intellectual property of the Coach and Entity/Company.

● Commit to the process of learning and research to the best of their ability.

● Commit to the growth and development of their mindset of prosperity and money.

● To be fully committed and present at all meetings

PayPal Options

Additional Payment Options

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